Have fun, enjoy yourselves and please show respect to the players and the fans.
Bat Policy - Please see following websites for bats approved for play.
A League of our Own will be purchasing the softballs for each team registered in the league. The home team will provide a new game ball and a back-up ball.
No metal cleats or screw-in cleats are allowed. As well, no open-toed shoes (sandals) are permitted on the field of play.
All teams must carry their own set of bases and cones (5) to EACH game. As well each team will need to have “V” mat for balls and strikes. You can pick one up at Kirby’s or head over to Canadian Tire and grab
All players must wear helmets while batting.
Game Play
The Home team will be required to set up the field of play and provide the game balls. During the double headers, the home team will choose which game they wish to be the actual “home” team and will be the visitor for the other game.
Baselines are 65’ (eg. Home to 1st)
To start the season, all games will consist of 7 innings - games may end in a tie. During double headers, the first game will be a timed game with a maximum time limit of 1hour 15 minutes. No new inning may start after the 1 hour mark. The second game will be a full 7 inning game.
Mercy rule - The game will be declared over if the visiting team is ahead by 10 or more runs after 5 or 6 innings (4.5 or 5.5 innings if home team is ahead)
Each team will field a total of 10 players consisting of a maximum of 6 males and a minimum of 4 females. A team may play with 9 players provided that at least 3 are females. The tenth batting position will be an automatic out until the tenth player arrives.
Substitutions - can be made at any time during the game. The substituting player does not need to play on defense before they bat. Keep in mind that you may have no more than 2 male batters in a row in your line up.
New to 2018 - Extra hitters. Teams may start 11 batters. The entire game must then be played with 11 batters. If a batter is removed and can't be replaced then the spot becomes an automatic out. The batter can be either male or female. You don’t have to play with 11 batters, if you can only field a team of 10, that is legal and no automatic out will occur. Keep in mind that only 2 males can bat in a row. Typical batting lineup goes (Guy, Guy, Girl, Guy, Guy, Girl, Guy, Guy, Girl, Guy, Girl).
Courtesy runners - Unlimited courtesy runners (usually last available batter) Male or female for male but only a female may run for a female. All players on the roster including spares on the bench are eligible to be a courtesy runner.
Pitching and Batting
The arc of the pitch must be a minimum of 6 feet to a maximum of 12 feet from the ground. Pitching distance is 50-60 feet from the back of home plate.
Walk rule. There are 6 balls to a walk. If a male batter is walked and a female batter is following, the male will be awarded 2nd base.
A strike is any legally pitched ball that hits any portion of the mat. However, any ball that strikes a portion of home plate will be called a ball.
The batter will be called out hitting a foul on third strike.
No bunting, stealing or lead-offs.
Sliding – head first only (no sliding into first or Home Plate)
Home plate rules - The runner must only touch the second home plate or cross the scoring line-a runner touching the main plate will be called out. There is a commitment line (20 ft from home plate). Once the player crosses this line, they are committed to go home and may not return to 3rd base
Other Rules
Rain Outs - unless mutually agreed upon a minimum of two hours before game time, both teams must show for potentially rained out games-otherwise 2 points goes to the team which shows up. Before reaching out to me on Sunday (I am usually busy until 4pm with family stuff) contact the opposing team via the information on the website. Remind your teams that we play unless it is really pouring out!!!!
When a team forfeits a game the winning team will be awarded the average number of runs from the winning teams of that week. The team forfeiting will receive zero.